Top 5 Books On Becoming Better At Communication
GCG Leadership Development Team

In our Essential Leadership Guide we detailed why engaging communication is vital in leadership and how you can become better at engaging communication. If you have not read our guide yet, you can do so here

One of the best ways you can develop your communication is through self-learning, practice and reflection. Here is our list for the top 5 leadership books to help you master developing your communication and listening skills to thrive as a leader during unprecedented times.


#1 Unleash the Power of Storytelling: Win Hearts, Change Minds, Get Results
By Rob Biesenbach

“The market is flooded with a dizzying array of books, experts, and resources on business storytelling. This book cuts through the hype to clarify and demystify the storytelling process.

“Unleash the Power of Storytelling” offers step-by-step instructions for finding, shaping and telling powerful stories. You’ll learn about the essential ingredients that go into any good story and how to avoid common storytelling pitfalls.”

Buy on Amazon here


#2 Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone
by Mark Goulston, Keith Ferrazzi


“Drawing on his experience as a psychiatrist, business consultant, and coach, author Mark Goulston combines his background with the latest scientific research to help readers turn the “impossible” and “unreachable” people in their lives into allies, devoted customers, loyal colleagues, and lifetime friends. Just Listen does this by providing simple but powerful techniques readers can use to really get through to people.”


#3 Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most
by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen 



“Whether you’re dealing with an under performing employee, disagreeing with your spouse about money or child-rearing, negotiating with a difficult client, or simply saying “no,” or “I’m sorry,” or “I love you,” we attempt or avoid difficult conversation every day. Based on fifteen years of research at the Harvard Negotiation Project, Difficult Conversations walks you through a step-by-step proven approach to having your toughest conversations with less stress and more success.”

#4 Skill With People 
by Les Giblin 



“Are you having problems with the boss? Wishing you could be a better spouse? Not communicating well with your employees? Having trouble building business relationships? Or would you just like to improve your people skills and your ability to make strong, lasting impressions on the men and women you meet every day? The solution is “Skill With People!” Les Giblin’s timeless classic has what you need to get on the fast track to success at home, at work, and in business.”

#5 Bringing Out the Best in People 
By Aubrey Daniels



The classic bestseller on performance management is updated to reflect changes in today’s working environment. When an employer needs to know how to gain maximum performance from employees, renowned behavioral psychologist–Aubrey Daniels is the man to consult. What has made Daniels the man with the answers? His ability to apply scientifically based behavioral stimuli to the workplace while making it fun at the same time.


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