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The definitive resource center for everything on leadership

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The Dark Side of Adding Too Much Value

Top executives are intelligent, successful people. However, being smart comes with its own set of challenges. The more we achieve, the more we want to “be right” all the time. No matter if an issue ...
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Three Reasons Why Executives Won’t Coach

A common complaint from direct reports is that their bosses do not provide sufficient coaching. There are valid reasons for this considering how expensive a leader’s time is and how time-strapped they are to meet ...
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Tired of Feedback? Try This Instead

Providing feedback is considered an essential skill for leaders, something that they are supposed to do on a daily basis. After all, employees need to know how they are doing to develop in the right ...
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“I’ll Be Happy When ___________.”

How would you fill in the blank? There is no right or wrong answer. Everyone has their own unique goals in life. You might say, I’ll be happy when I get that promotion or when ...
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The Question That Resolves Conflict

Conflict is an unfortunate and unavoidable part of our lives. While it has the potential to stimulate us to accomplish great things, it can also drag us off course, erode relationships, and keep us from ...
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One Action to Make Change Happen

It’s not what you might think it is. It’s not deciding what to change, soliciting ideas or apologizing to people whom you wronged in the past. The most important action you can take to achieve ...
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