How Long Should Leadership Coaching Engagements Last?
GCG Leadership Development Team

 In the dynamic landscape of leadership development, one critical question that surfaces frequently among executives and coaches is about the optimal duration for coaching engagements. It is important to recognize that leadership coaching, akin to any pivotal project or investment within an organization, necessitates not just intention but substantial resources and unwavering commitment. Drawing on extensive experience coaching over 100,000 leaders who actively involved their coworkers, Global Coach Group has derived key insights into how the length of coaching correlates with desired outcomes.

Assessing the Impact Across Various Coaching Durations:

1. KNOW IT (3 Months)

Initiating a three-month coaching period primarily sets the foundational stage. This phase is geared towards boosting leaders’ self-awareness, sharpening their focus on critical improvement areas, and establishing their initial action plan. While approximately 98% of leaders report satisfaction at this early stage, coworker satisfaction concerning the leader’s improvements only hovers around 18%, even after a full year… that the leader has been working on their action plan. This indicates that while short-term engagements can heighten awareness, they are typically insufficient for fostering profound or lasting change.

2. SHOW IT (6 Months)

Extending the coaching to six months shifts the focus towards the practical implementation of the initial action plan and the refinement of leadership skills. This period is critical for leaders to demonstrate tangible behavioral changes and effectiveness — transitioning from intent to actual improvement. Involving co-workers and using their suggestions becomes pivotal, aiding leaders in further adjusting their approach. By the end of six months, 63% of coworkers are satisfied with the improvements in leadership effectiveness, though only 16% are highly satisfied. Coworkers start seeing results but want to see more consistency and more impact because they want to see that the change is here to stay.

3. GROW IT (9 Months)

Progressing to a nine-month coaching engagement allows leaders to deeply embed new behaviors and transform them into consistent habits. Leaders not only continue to hone their skills but also actively involve their coworkers, creating a collaborative and accountable work environment. The coworker involvement measurably improves team effectiveness and performance outcomes.

Results show that 76% of coworkers are satisfied with the leader’s improvement, and 41% are highly satisfied. Consistency reassures coworkers that the leader’s changes are substantial and rooted in a deep commitment to new approaches in their leadership. Coworkers start adopting the changes the leader is making and adapting their approach to work, leading to increased team effectiveness. 

4. OWN IT (12 Months)

Committing to a full-year coaching engagement, the focus extends beyond improving the leader’s effectiveness to integrating these new leadership behaviors into the team’s culture, thereby improving the team’s effectiveness and performance results. An impressive 95% of coworkers affirm the leader’s improvements, with 71% highly satisfied. This indicates that a year-long engagement ensures change extends beyond the individual, permeating the team and resulting in long-term sustainability.

In Summary: The Value of Extended Coaching Engagements

This strategic progression from initial awareness to measurable impact and cultural integration within the team underscores that longer coaching engagements, though more intensive, offer significantly greater returns in terms of sustainable change and overall satisfaction. They not only improve individual leadership performance but also enhance team dynamics and foster a lasting cultural shift within the organization.

Ultimately, effective leadership coaching is not just about short-term gains but fostering a transformation that resonates through subsequent organizational levels. Leaders aiming to genuinely elevate their impact should view these engagements as critical, strategic investments rather than discretionary expenditures. The journey from awareness to sustained change is about leading not only with competence but with consistency, evolving potential into enduring progress that stands the test of time.

At Global Coach Group (GCG), our network of over 4,000+ experienced coaches is dedicated to delivering tailored leadership coaching to help leaders become more self-aware, improve their communication strategies, and ultimately drive better team performance. 

For leaders who want to become coaches or coaches looking to enhance their leadership coaching skills, Global Coach Group (GCG) provides a comprehensive leadership coaching certification program. GCG’s internationally acclaimed coaching tools and resources can help you improve your coaching proficiency and empower you to guide others.

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