How GCG’s Coaching Compares with Other Organizations
GCG Leadership Development Team

At Global Coach Group (GCG), involving coworkers in our coaching process boosts results by 500-900%, and we proudly uphold a 95% success rate for all leaders coached confirmed by coworkers. This approach to achieving outstanding outcomes sets the groundwork for sustained growth and development across organizations we partner with.

Our coaching approach is meticulously crafted to exceed typical industry standards, focusing on bespoke interventions that deliver significant and measurable results right from the beginning. Below, we compare key aspects of GCG’s coaching with that provided by other coaching organizations, highlighting what makes GCG a leader in the field.

Approach to Leadership Development


  • Focuses on a Triple Win approach — success for the leader, their team, and their performance results.
  • Utilizes a cocreation method involving the leader’s coworkers throughout the coaching process, which ensures collective buy-in and enhances the impact of coaching interventions.

Other Coaching Organizations:

  • Often use more traditional, closed-door approaches that may not engage team members effectively throughout the entire coaching journey.
  • May not always ensure alignment of coaching goals with team and organizational needs.

Success Rates and Outcomes


  • Boasts a remarkable 95% success rate, as confirmed by feedback from coworkers involved in the coaching processes.
  • Employs a structured yet bespoke approach that consistently delivers measurable and substantial improvements in leader and team performance.

Other Coaching Organizations:

  • Success rates can vary widely, often lacking consistent quantitative assessments throughout the engagement.
  • Might not provide clear or structured methodologies to measure the impact of coaching.

Program Focus Structure and Flexibility


  • Holistic Focus: Addresses both the leader’s and their team’s needs, ensuring relevance and comprehensive impact.
  • Integrated Approach: Coaching sessions are designed as springboards, helping leaders to seamlessly implement action plans as part of the workflows.
  • Sustained Development: Coaching is embedded in daily operations, enhancing practical improvement without disrupting ongoing activities.

Other Coaching Organizations:

  • Isolated Focus: Often concentrates solely on the leader, neglecting the broader team’s involvement and impact.
  • Session Isolation: Coaching sessions resemble isolated breaks from hectic work schedules ), providing temporary relief rather than sustainable change.
  • Perceived as Extraneous: Over time, coaching may feel like an addition outside of normal work that loses its value and appeal over time, instead of an agile, value-added development tool.

GCG’s commitment to integration and relevance not only propels the leader’s growth but ensures that the entire team benefits from the coaching, embedding actionable insights directly into the work process for sustained organizational improvement.

Accreditation and Professional Recognition


  • Programs are accredited at the highest levels by recognized bodies such as the International Coaching Federation (ICF), ensuring they meet the highest professional and ethical standards.
  • Led by world-renowned coaches including Will Linssen, who has been acclaimed globally for his contributions to the field of executive coaching.

Other Coaching Organizations:

  • While many are accredited, not all can demonstrate the same level of international recognition, results or leadership in the field.
  • May lack the same calibre of leadership and expertise on offer at GCG.

Commitment to Innovation and Continuous Learning


  • Integration of Proprietary Tools: Utilises GCG Coaching Tools, our proprietary online SAAS platform, to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of each coaching engagement.
  • Continuous Updates: Regularly refreshes coaching methodologies to incorporate the latest research and best practices in leadership development, including collaborations with prestigious institutions like Harvard University.

Other Coaching Organizations:

  • Slower Adoption of Innovations: Often slower to integrate new findings, online tools and methodologies into their practice, potentially hindering progress.
  • Outdated Methods With No Updates: Often, these organizations fail to update or refine their coaching methodologies and tools after the initial engagement has ended, leaving clients with outdated approaches that do not incorporate the latest advancements in leadership development.

Global Network and Certification


  • Boasts a global network of over 4,000 coaches, all certified in-house and compliant with ICF standards, consistently ensuring the highest standard of coaching across the globe.
  • This vast network allows for a rich exchange of global insights and practices, benefitting clients from diverse industries and regions.

Other Coaching Organizations:

  • Certification processes can vary, potentially leading to inconsistencies in the quality of coaching services and results.
  • Often have smaller, more localized networks which may lack the same global perspective and resources.

In Summary

At Global Coach Group, the commitment to a holistic, inclusive, and meticulously structured approach to leadership coaching distinguishes it from other offerings in the market. By engaging not just the leaders but also their teams in a collaborative development process, GCG ensures that improvements are profound and persist long after the formal coaching period has concluded. This attention to detail, combined with a large, globally consistent network of coaches and a commitment to innovation, makes GCG a leader in the field, ideal for organizations aiming to achieve lasting success through enhanced leadership capabilities.

For leaders who want to become coaches or coaches looking to enhance their leadership coaching skills, Global Coach Group (GCG) provides a comprehensive leadership coaching certification program. GCG’s internationally acclaimed coaching tools and resources can help you improve your coaching proficiency and empower you to guide others.

GCG Leadership Development Team

Dedicated to bringing you the best leadership development resources.

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Reduce your session prep and follow-ups to just 15 minutes, while delivering coaching that improves leadership, team and business performances with 95% coworker satisfaction

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